Father Muller Charitable Institutions

Father Muller College




Date : Apr 17, 2024

March was dedicated to Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, which was marked with a wide range of interesting events that promoted empathy and support for those who have cerebral palsy. All of the events were organised by first-year speech-language pathology postgraduates. There was a poster competition that encouraged participants to use art to creatively convey their advocacy and solidarity. The colourful and provocative banners were heartfelt reminders of the value of empathy and inclusivity. The posters were then put on display at the Hospital entrance. Furthermore, a quiz competition dispelled myths and promoted accurate understanding of cerebral palsy, sparking educational conversations and raising awareness of the condition. Cash Prizes were awarded for the winners.  In addition, an educational awareness talk was organised. The event's speaker was Dr. Usha M, Associate Professor at the Department of Speech and Hearing. Through these dynamic events, participants came together to celebrate diversity, promote acceptance, and pave the way for a more inclusive society.

Poster Making Competition
1st Place:
Ms. Anice Mendes
Ms. Johanna Thomas
Ms. AastaDcosta
(1st Year BASLP)

2nd Place:
Ms. Naithal Krishna
Ms. Divya Antony
Ms. Ayana Sara
Ms. Deslin George
Ms. Dhiya Rachel
(3rd Year BASLP)

Ms. Nova Saji (2nd PG)
Ms. Alina Mariam (3rdBASLP)
Ms. Neha Johnson (2ndBASLP)
Ms. Manya Jacob (1stBASLP)

Clinical Services